Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Do Foundation Repairs

Owning a home is a big part of the American dream, but homeownership also means long term payments and continual home maintenance. Maintaining a home can take a lot of effort, but a well-maintained home not only looks great but can increase in value over time. In contrast, neglecting home maintenance has just the opposite


Common Causes of Commercial Foundation Problems

Foundations need to hold up commercial structures. Ideally, they should stay standing until the building itself collapses, but sadly, that’s often not the case. Many foundations have problems long before they should, and to ensure your foundation is as strong as possible, you should understand the signs that may be indicative of foundation issues. Here


Repairing a Failing Garage Column

In Georgia, everything from the weather to the soil is working against your home’s foundation, including the garage column that helps support your garage, its contents and any rooms above it. You can often tell foundation issues are occurring when you begin to see horizontal or vertical cracks running along the column itself or in


Commercial Foundation Construction and Repair

Unlike most traditional residential buildings, commercial foundations must support thousands of tons of materials, supplies, and residents. If the ground beneath a commercial structure cannot support the weight, a high-quality foundation is necessary to ensure the safety of the building and its inhabitants.


The Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the world’s most recognizable structures, best known for its titular lean. Located in the Italian town of Pisa, the tower’s famous tilt has been the focus of many engineers and architects for centuries. Thanks to modern foundation techniques, the tower will likely stand for centuries more.


Feats of Human Engineering

Human engineering has allowed homes to be constructed on a variety of different terrains, from hills to cliffs. However, the ground homes rest on is subject to change and can shift over time, whether it’s from the weight of the home bearing down on it or from natural events such as earthquakes and floods.


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